What types of Moisturisation Studies do we have?
What is a Moisturisation Study?
The purpose of a moisturisation study is to evaluate the moisturising (hydration) potential of a product being tested, this can be over a 2 hour to 100-hour time period.
During this study a moisturising product will be applied to areas of your lower leg or inner forearm. After some time, hydration levels will be measured using a Corneometer®.
The products being tested from this study can range from a facial moisturiser to fake tan.
What do I need to do in a Moisturisation Study?
You would need to come to the test site between 1-5 times, depending on the study (please note sometimes you may be required to stay in the test centre for up to a 14-hour period).
Before attending you will be required to perform a 3-day wash-out phase.
This means you will be asked not to apply any moisturisers to the test area during this wash out phase and for the duration of the study.
You will be required to remain in the test centre until all assessments are complete.
You will be required to keep the test areas uncovered whist in the test centre.
General Inclusion Criteria (*some studies may have more requirements)
Aged 18-55
General Exclusion Criteria (*some studies may have more requirements)
Those who are pregnant or breast feeding.
Those who have participated in a similar study in the last 7 days.
Those with tattoos, scars, or cuts around the test area.
Those with any active skin conditions within the last 6 months.
How much expense’s will I receive for taking part?
On completion of this study, you will receive between £45 and £145 expenses in the form of
a cheque in your own name.
How do I take part in these types of studies?
To register your interest in our moisturisation studies or if you have any questions, please email albavolunteers@cpt.eurofinseu.com