What is an Underarm Study?
The purpose of an Underarm Study is to assess how antiperspirant formulations affect the appearance and dryness levels of the underarm skin, which is already irritated, some of these products may already be marketed.
During your visits you will receive razors and test materials to use at home with instructions on when to shave and apply the product.
What do I need to do in an Underarm Study?
You will be required to attend the test centre for up to 10 visits over a 3-week period. Before attending you will be given instructions on what is require on the lead up to the start of the study (when to last shave and any product application restrictions).
On visit 1 to the test centre, you will be screened to check if you are eligible to take part.
General Inclusion Criteria (*some studies may have more requirements)
Aged 18-65
Underarm must be free from skin tags, raised moles, cuts and scratches.
Must be regular antiperspirant user (at least once per day).
Must be a regular shaver (more than twice per week).
Must be willing to have photographs taken of the underarm.
General Exclusion Criteria (*some studies may have more requirements)
Those who are pregnant or breast feeding.
Those with any active skin conditions within the last 6 months.
Those suffering from diabetes.
Those with dark pigmentation on the underarm area.
Those taking antihistamines.
How much expense’s will I receive for taking part?
On completion of this study, you will receive £240 expenses in the form of a cheque in your own name.
How do I take part in these types of studies?
To register your interest in our Underarm studies or if you have any questions, please email Cuk069_albascience_volunteers@cpt.eurofinseu.com
